You might be new to the web hosting platforms, or you might have tried various options but want to try different web hosting for your website. It is possible that you might need hosting that is cheaper than a dedicated server but gives you the experience of a private server instead of a shared one.
A virtual private server uses the technology of creating a platform that provides you with private resources with a shared server. Virtualization gives you the feeling of being on a dedicated server even when you are on a server with multiple users.
You can choose VPS hosting for various reasons such as if you have medium traffic on your website or want a private server (virtual).
Bluehost is a low-cost WordPress builder and hosting provider with outstanding customer support. Shared, dedicated, and virtual private server hosting are all available on the platform.
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Following mentioned are the top features offered by BlueHost VPS Hosting
- WordPress-friendly
- Consistently high speed
- Exceptional server uptime
- Dedicated VPS hosting options
- Spam Experts, Spam Hammer, and Apache Spam Assassin to guard and prevent bots
- Huge App and Integration Library
- Free domain name
Plan name
Basic prices
Functioning websites
Free Domain
Free SSL
Provided Disk Space
30-120 GB
Automated Backups
Free Email
Control Panel
Live Chats, Emails, Calls
Money-back guarantee
30 days
Reasons to choose BlueHost VPS Hosting
- BlueHost VPS hosting even with the basic plan can handle up to 100 million monthly visitors
- 30 GB of storage, 30 GB of backup storage, 2 GB of RAM, and 1 TB of bandwidth starting with the standard plan.
- You can manage up to five sites if you set up multiple stores, it is recommended to do say if you own or want to own many businesses on a medium scale.
- Money-back guarantee
- Support is available 24 /7. That gives you the privilege of contacting the expert team at any time via phone or email.
- It also provides you with Enhanced cPanel for easier site management along with CPU usage and RAM
- SiteLock CDN will help you improve your site’s loading times, among other things.
- You get root access which means you will have all the admin rights and can design or modify your server according to your needs.
Limitations while using BlueHost VPS Hosting
- Using the BlueHost VPS hosting does require some prior technical knowledge to use it.
- CodeGuard basic is not provider as an essential but can only be availed by paying extra.
- SiteLock security is not provided with the plan
Pros & Cons Of BlueHost VPS Hosting Review

- Free SSL
- Free domain
- Affordable prices
- Better to manage traffic with average prices
- 1 TB of bandwidth
- 24/7 expert support
- Security from various malware and bots
- Prior knowledge required a bit
- SiteLock security is not provided
- CodeGuard basic is not provided
We have mentioned all the required points you need to know to choose BlueHost VPS Hosting. We recommend it to you as it gives you the feel of having a private server even though you are using the same server as multiple others. There are some better features than shared hosting and the cost is much less than a dedicated server. Hope the article BlueHost VPS Hosting Review has help you choosing the best for your site.
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